Elmleigh Welcomes New Apprentice Caleb Weaver to the Team!

Elmleigh are always on the hunt for new talent and love taking hardworking individuals and letting them achieve their full potential as electrical engineers. We sat down with our newest apprentice Caleb Weaver to get to know him and wish him luck on his apprenticeship journey.


Professional questions:

Elmleigh are always looking for talented and passionate people; what is something that you are passionate about?

I am passionate about a lot of things but mainly I am passionate about learning and bettering myself in the process.

Why did you choose to work at Elmleigh?

I chose to work at Elmleigh because it looked like a very professional company where I would learn a lot about electrical installations in all different sectors.

What industry-relevant skill(s) do you excel at?

Unfortunately, as an apprentice I am new to this but I hope to excel in control wiring.

Name a mistake you made early in your career and what it has taught you

My biggest mistake was not asking enough questions when unsure on something. As an apprentice, this made it harder because I didn’t quite understand why I was doing certain tasks.

What professional achievement are you most proud of?

Managing to pass all of my level 2 and 3 at college first time without redoing any exams.

How would you describe your job to a five-year-old?

Making lights and their televisions turn on.

What is your favourite thing about working in your chosen job role?

My favourite part of my job role is I am learning so many things in such little time. Learning is something I’ve always loved doing.


Personal questions:

Who would play you in a movie about your life and what would the movie be called?

The Rock because we’re about the same size and it would be called Legend.

What is the first thing you bought with your first-ever paycheck?

Tickets to Reading festival.

What’s your fifteen minutes of fame story?

Helping an old lady cross the road, it wasn’t much but it was honest work.

Alive or dead, who is your ideal dinner guest?

Mike Skinner.


Thank you Caleb for answering our questions; we wish you the best of luck with your apprenticeship!

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