New Employee - Jon Glover

We would like to give a formal and warm welcome to our new employee Jon Glover! To welcome Jon we thought it would be a great idea to sit down with and get to know him a bit more by asking a few candid questions about his career and everyday life…


What is something that you are passionate about professionally?

Attention to detail, clarity and presentation of design and drawing documentation.

Why did you choose to work at Elmleigh?

Having researched the business, the company appears to be going from strength to strength with great expectations and aspirations for the future. From existing personnel recommendations, the company also cares for and looks after its employees. Therefore, it was a straight forward decision for me to be part of the team and gain further experience within the industry, personal development and career progression.   

What industry-relevant skills do you excel at?

AutoCAD and ePlan

Name a mistake you made early in your career and what has it taught you?

Lost count on the number of times I’ve lost work on PC due to PC issues/power cuts etc etc and it always seems to happen when you’re under pressure to complete the task. This has taught me to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE and always have work electronically backed up.

What professional achievement are you most proud of?

Gaining my ePLAN eCE (ePlan Certified Engineer) status and being one of the first 10 people in the UK to be awarded the qualification (at the time of examination).

How would you describe your job to a five-year-old?

Helping to design and build machines that make Crisps!

What is your favourite thing about working in your chosen job role?

I’m interested in how things and systems work and get personal satisfaction when seeing a design through from start to finish – Drawn, assembled, installed, up and running and handed over to customer.

What is the first thing you bought with your first-ever paycheck?

Some beers and a couple of Leicester City FC match day tickets

Who would play you in a movie about your life and what would the movie be called?

If you were to ask my family they would probably suggest someone like Jim Carrey as I’m always messing and joking around at home, therefore the movie would be called “The Joker!”

What’s your fifteen minutes of fame story?

Bumped into Jeremy Clarkson (literally) at a Bon Jovi gig, Had a beer with Bono’s son Eli, Met and chatted with Tom Meighan (ex-frontman of Kasabian) on numerous occasions and once overtook Simon Cowell on the M1.

Alive or dead, who is your ideal dinner guest?


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